Diary of a Confined Kid #10 : Hugo (4th grade-CM1)

This is how your text should look like (I changed changed the punctuation and a few details) :

Before school was closed, I went to my grandma’s beach house.  It’s not that far. The days are long. We just have work to do but we can talk on the phone with our friends,  that’s good.

I like to read Harry Potter’s books.

On Friday, we talk with all my class and my teacher,  that’s good.

I will DIE!!! : out there, it’s so hot and in the morning, I’m so cold.

I like to play football in my garden.

I went outside to walk my dog and the cops stopped me and my mom. We asked if they want the paper, they said « I trust you ».  I was scared and I went running.

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