Diary of a Confined Kid #17 : Leena (4th grade-CM1)

Confined Kid and her cat : Working time, 10Th day :

7:30 : wake up with music and several hugs and kisses to my cat.😍

8:00 : breakfast, this morning pancakes and several hugs et kisses to my cat😍

9:OO  : school work…when my cat doesn’t want kisses and hugs😽

10:15 recreation and a time for kisses and hugs to my cat😍

10: 45 : school work  when,my cat doesnt want kisses and hugs 😹

12:15 : lunch time and hugs and kisses😍

afternoon : play in the garden, school work and of course kisses and hugs to my cat.

Containment is boring because I can’t see my friends but I love my cat😸😸 


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