Welcome to Stephanie!

We are very happy to welcome Stephanie, our new assistant!

Let’s get to know her (questions asked by the 5th graders) :

Where do you come from?

I come from Auckland, New Zealand.

How many people live in New Zealand?

There are 5 million people in New Zealand : 4 million in the North Island and 1 million in the South Island and Stewart Island.

What’s your favorite fruit?

It’s the dragon fruit.

Do you like hamburgers?

Yes, I love hamburgers.

Do you like France?

I LOVE France!

What do you like about France?

You make excellent bread. French food is the best food I had in my life. I also like all the sceneries.

How many languages do you speak?

I speak English, French and a little bit of mandarin.

What’s your favourite colour?

My favourite colours are black and purple.

Do you like animals?

I love animals! I have 3 cat, chickens, goldfish rabbits, birds. But I don’t like mice.

Thanks, Stephanie, and welcome to our school! w!e are happy to learn English with you this year!

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