Rayane’s dream house (4th grader)

My dream house

My dream house has 2 floors. In the entrance, there is an outstanding chandelier and an indoor pool. In the second room there are arcades, a pool table and games. In the living room, there is a big and long sofa, an armchair and a 90 inch plasma TV. In the kitchen, there a dishwasher, a stove and a sink with a delicious smell of chocolate cake.

In the second floor, there is the master bedroom, a game room and a bathroom. In the master bedroom, there is a jacuzzi, a 120 inch plasma TV, a desk and a big double-decker bed. In the bathroom, there is a big bathtub and a blue sink. In the game room, there is a computer, video games, a TV and a soft couch.

Outside the house, there is a large yard with swings and a wooden shed. We can hear birds coming : robins, crows, starlings.

I love this house because it is cosy and beautitul. I enjoy it.

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