Wild animals, by the 2nd graders

by Johnny

The Elephant is very intelligent and it is one of the strongest animal in the world. It also has very good hearing.

It is grey and it is large in size. It has a long trunk and it has at hin tail. It has big ears as well.

It spends 22 hours a day eating  It eats grass, fruits and roots. It is an herbivore.

Its predators are humans, heyenas, lions and tigers.

It lives in Africa and Asia.


by Sofia

The cheetah is from the cat family and it runs fast.

It hunts during the day. It usually lives in group.

The cheetah is not aggressive and it doesn’t roar.

It has a long tail and it also has a yellow fur. Covered with black spots (from 2 000 to 3 000 spots!).

The cheetah’s fur helps them blend and camouflage well.

Usually, they hunt small preys, such as hares, impalas and gazelle.


By Julien
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