Diary of a Confined Kid #15 : Callista (5th grade-CM2)

(Some vocabulary : a snack : un goûter / to move : déménager / the sunlight = the sun / noise : du bruit)

I am a bit bored. Each day, I do the same things : in the morning, I do my homework, then I eat my lunch, I go outside to the private park (it’s a private area for all the apartments where I live), I come back to eat my snack, I continue my homework, I do my piano, I play a bit with my sister, I eat my dinner and I go to sleep.

That’s all but it’s annoying to repeat it each day.

We moved two weeks ago, so there were a lot of boxes everywhere. Now, it’s better than before but there are still some boxes here and there.

We have a balcony, so that’s cool. We can see « la Loire » in the bright sunlight. It’s beautiful.

The problem is that there is a person below us in the apartement, he has come to see us twice because we made too much noise. The first time, it was because I was playing piano and he was working. The second time, it was because my sister was jumping too much.

Oh well, anyway, goodbye!


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