Diary of a Confined Kid #18 : Joude (5th grade-CM2)

Teacher’s note : j’espère que tout n’est pas vrai dans son texte …! Et merci Joude d’avoir ajouté le vocabulaire !

First day: I’m so happy, do you know why? Because school is over. All the teachers say that we are not on holiday and that we have to do our homework, but I don’t care about homework, I won’t do it.

I almost forgot to tell you why we don’t go to school. Because there’s a « coronialavirus » pandemic or something like that, I don’t know what exactly.

But there’s something I don’t like at all, WE CAN’T GO OUT!!!!

I wanted to play with my friend Robert. And so I need to bear my brother Rodrick for 3 weeks !!! He’s going to be more unpleasant because he can’t go with his « super rock band » because there’s the co… oh how do you write that stuff. Anyway, I hope I don’t die just on the first day.

Day two: When I was in bed, I woke up but Rodrick took some water and threw it to me. I called Robert on the phone, but no one answered. I don’t know what he’s doing because he’s supposed to be home (« coriuanovirus » pandemics) all the time.

I stayed and locked my room door to work on my computer. 

But when I look out the window I see Robert playing outside with his mother! I really wanted to play with them but when I wanted to get out of my room, Rodrick blocked me with a chair. So I thought of an idea… BINGO!!! I can jump out the window. So I opened my window and I got out, but I slipped and I ended up in the dump. Then my dad saw me and said, « Greg, What a great idea to get the rubbish out now ! »

Vocabulary : dump=décharge







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