Diary of a Confined Kid #40 : Victor (5th grade-CM2)

(suite du Diary #38…)

Noooooooooooooo! The virus is losing.


That’s a good thing or a bad thing?

I’m completely lost with all these screamings and nonsense.

Tug, tug, tug. Please stand by. The creator of this script has some technical difficutly with his brain to find ideas.

Thought. This is an emergency idea, so that was his last idea.

But, no, since what he is writing now is another emergency idea to make the script longer.

So, to make this stop here is some emergency.

Nonsensed jokes : what did shellyxzuq eat? A shellyztibrm cake! Ha ha ha ha ha! (crowd laughing)

What did iiyiiyiiy said to iiyiiyiiy? (nonsensed joke) He said iiyiiyiiyiiyiiyiiy. Ha ha ha ha (crowd laughing)

Ok, I says bye bye now.

Bye bye, now.

(teacher’s note : la maîtresse décline toute responsabilité pour ce texte , hi hi hi…)

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