Stories by Rayane and Oren (3rd grade – CE2)

1 story starter, 2 stories…

Story starter :

Once upon a time , there was a shy little girl…

because she met a creepy and scary person. She found a scary cemetary. She went to a tomb where is was written « Mary ». Then, the spirit of Mary transformed into an evil spirit because of the devil. So, Mary came alive and she became « Bloody Mary ».

Rayane, November 2020

Once upon a time , there was a shy little girl…

she was even shy with her family. Then, she had a nightmare about a shy devil, she tried to make a shy devil… And it worked !

She got along quite well, she had a lot of adventures with the devil. But she remembered her shyness and the next morning she didn’t meet the devil.

She didn’t even remember that she had met the devil. She continued to be lonely and have no friends. But the devil was always in the house, waiting for her . When the girl went to the bathroom, she saw the devil…and immediately, she fell in love with him !

Oren, November 2020

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