I didn’t do my homework because …. (1st and 2nd graders)

Teacher, I didn’t do my homework because …

…I accidentally set on my dad’s missile and it exploded. All books have bbeen destroyed by the explosion (Julien)

… I accidentally made a machine to make giant glowing-in-the-dark mushrooms and they invaded the house. (Julien)

…I was at the hospital after being attacked by a crowd of angry birds (Julien)

I slept on the floor because I ate too many gummy bears. (Johnny)

… my dad and I said to Mum that we are going to play football in the night.

…. a dinosaur ate my books (Sofia)

….my father needed my help tp do an experiment (Sofia)

… there was a dragon who ate my homework (Camil)

….my parents told me not to do it. (Gabriel)

… my house exploded and I had blood on my head (Flora)

… I needed to go to the doctor and when we came back, it was time to sleep (Flora)

…there was a storm which broke my house. And my homework was in my house. (Camil)

….there was a lot of noise outside my house. (Gabriel)

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