Archives de l’auteur : fridoret

Graduation ceremony in Mandela

All SIA pupils from Anatole de Monzie prepared banners and a short video to congratulate the students!

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Cooking in SIA

3 classes did cooking this week (3rd 4th and 5th graders). Here are the yummy recipes!

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A last letter from McDonald School in Seattle

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Mandela Graduation ceremony : preparing decorations

We’ve been asked if we could help making some decorations for the Graduation ceremony at Mandela Highschool. Each group, from 1st to 5th grade, is busy making banners… and also a short video to congratulate the students. This year, the … Continuer la lecture

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Each class, from CP to CM2, is working on ANZAC Day. See the first productrions done at home by the pupils! What is ANZAC Day? ANZAC means Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. ANZAC Day is a day to remember … Continuer la lecture

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Diary of a Confined Kid #61 (Akapo, 4th grade)

This morning I woke up at 10 am I gave food to my guinea pigs. Their names are Flash and Franck. And I pat MY GUINEA PIGS. Flash is the black one and Franck is the caramel one.

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Akapo’s book report : Diary of a Wimpy Kid

                           DIARY     OF A WIMPY KID   Double Down                                                                                       The story is about a kid who is talking about his life and the kid’s name is Greg Heffley. Greg thinks that his life was filmed because one day he saw … Continuer la lecture

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Diary of a Confined Kid #60 (Oren, 3rd grade)

​One of the reasons why I was not at school…I fell down (not head first), hit my head, there was blood all over my face and now.. well umm.. Oren

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Diary of a Confined Kid #59 (Chloé 5th grade)

Hello,this morning I did a chocolate eggs hunt. After, I try to put a leash on my rabbits. It’s very funny😁, because when they run, I run too.On the picture, you can see Vanille, I run after him. Chloé😋 The … Continuer la lecture

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Our Artist Trading Cards are ready!

We have finished drawing and writing on our 130 Artist Trading Cards. They are now on the way to McDonald International School in Seattle! We hope our penpals will like them because we really enjoyed received their cards!

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