Archives de catégorie : Collège Aristide Briand

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This blog will probably be inactive in a few weeks/months. The new blog address is the following :

Publié dans Collège Aristide Briand, Ecole Anatole de Monzie, Lycée Nelson Mandela | Commentaires fermés sur new blog

Welcome back to school!

Publié dans Collège Aristide Briand, Ecole Anatole de Monzie, Lycée Nelson Mandela | Commentaires fermés sur Welcome back to school!

Diary of a Confined Kid …

Do you know the famous book series Diary of a Wimpy Kid? (Le Journal d’un Dégonflé) We are creating today the … « Diary of a Confined Kid » (« Le Journal d’un Confiné »)…and hope you will all add a few words bout … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Collège Aristide Briand, Ecole Anatole de Monzie, Lycée Nelson Mandela | Commentaires fermés sur Diary of a Confined Kid …

Reading rallye with the 6th graders (6ème)

Thursday 12th December, we went to the college. My favourite activity was the theater. Zeine My favourite activity was the challenge to find things from the book. At the college, I felt frightened. Quentin My favourite activity was the cat … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans About books! (from 'CP' to 'Terminale'), Collège Aristide Briand, Ecole Anatole de Monzie | Commentaires fermés sur Reading rallye with the 6th graders (6ème)

Fall Potluck at Mandela Highschool : great success!

Last Saturday (Oct. 12th), the Mandela Highschool American Association organized a fall potluck to gather families of the 3 international sections : Lycée Mandela, Collège Aristide Briand and Ecole Anatole de Monzie. Thank you to the MaHSAA for organizing this … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Collège Aristide Briand, Ecole Anatole de Monzie, Lycée Nelson Mandela | Commentaires fermés sur Fall Potluck at Mandela Highschool : great success!

Jeunes en Scènes

Bad and Breakfast At the beginning of June, the pupils in 4ème and 5ème participated in the School Theatre Festival « Jeunes en Scène » at Ligéria in Sainte Luce sur Loire. Two Against the World

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CM2-6ème : reading rallye

The CM2 and the 6ème (SI) read the Hound of the Baskervilles. In December, they met for a reading rallye. See some photos here :

Publié dans About books! (from 'CP' to 'Terminale'), Collège Aristide Briand, Ecole Anatole de Monzie | Commentaires fermés sur CM2-6ème : reading rallye