Archives de catégorie : Ecole Anatole de Monzie

A great day in Seattle (1)

On Frida 13th May, the whole school travelled to Seattle. A fake trip but which looked quite real at the end! See…

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the Months of the Year (1st grade)

And practicing on Learning Chocolate website :

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The best carnival on earth =)

Today is carnival at school. We dressed up and went to the all-purpose room. There we sat down and put music. Then the classes started parading like crazy. The teachers were dressed up as greek gods. We skipped the « dictee »! … Continuer la lecture

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Semaine des langues #3 : all the languages spoken by the pupils in our school!

The pupils were also invited to bring books, songs or just words in a language they hear at home. We shared plenty of experiences! Here are only a few examples Indonesian national anthem : Some words in Thai : A … Continuer la lecture

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Semaine des langues #2 : 3 activities for 4th and 5th graders (CM1 and CM2)

1 : About German : First, we watched a video about similarities in German and English words. Then, we learnt the colours in German : 2/ Do you all all the countries in the European Union? We reminded the difference … Continuer la lecture

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Semaine des langues # 1 : a « Genially » activity in each class, from CP to CM2

This week, from April 4th to 9th, it’s the national « Semaine des langues ». A good opportunity to be curious about all foreign languages. Every day, each class discovers a new culture : : (to be continued)

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a message from Daënerys : some Irish dance

Daënerys a visité la foire de Nantes et a pu regarder un spectacle de danses irlandaises (vidéo trop volumineuse à regarder ici mais nous la regardons en classe). Autre lien : Spectacles de la troupe Nantes Irish Dance, accompagnée des … Continuer la lecture

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Sofia and the Invisible man (by Johnny – 2nd grade – Part 1)

There once was a little girl named Sofia. She was a very adventurous girl. One day she went in the woods, then she saw a house. So she went inside to investigate the house. But then she heard some footsteps … Continuer la lecture

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April Fools (2nd and 3rd graders)

I cut my hair. I lost all my teeth. I put my notebook in the water. I left the school I broke the toilet I broke my pencilcase I put my notebook in the trash I became the teacher I … Continuer la lecture

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April Fools! (1st graders)

Hello Mum and Dad, Today, I escaped from the school. I climbed the wall. I didn’t do my homework. I cut my hair with scissors. Gabriel Hello Mum and Dad, Today, I cut my hair because the teacher tells me … Continuer la lecture

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