Archives de catégorie : Ecole Anatole de Monzie

SUN : The story of The Grinch

The 5th graders were back to the radio SUN in December. Click here to listen to our 5 episodes of The Grinch : Hope you’ll enjoy! (next story …. Snow White!)

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Christmas biscuits : recipe

Yummy Christmas biscuits : snowman, star, Christmas tree, mushroom, heart, toy, angel, flower, squirre, duck, elf, bell…

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Back at the radio : The Grinch

The 5th graders of the SIA were back on SUN (93FM). Listen to the story of the Grinch from Monday 27th to Friday 31st of December at 5:30 (replay on

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Our Christmas tree

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More about Thanksgiving (5th graders)

Thanksgving is a day when Americans celebrate the time when the Native Americans helped the Pilgrims. Today, they gather with their family for a big meal with turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries, gravy, pie and much more. They also play football. … Continuer la lecture

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What I have learnt about Thanksgiving (Rayane, 4th grade) : I learnt about the Mayflowr. The Mayflower was a boat with people from England (called the Pilgrims) who went to America in 1620. They found people called Native Americans. It … Continuer la lecture

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Happy Halloween!

Friday 22nd October, it was Halloween Day (in advance!) at school. Pupils and adults were wearing costumes (ghosts, vampires, witches, skeletons, etc). Congratulations to everyone for your creativity!

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Recordings at SUN!

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Sports Day at schoo, by Anna and Klervie (5th grade)

Sports Day is the day we do sport udring 1 hour with all the school. On sports day, there were four different groups and four different teachers. The first game was « ball hunter » with Mrs Gaulon. The second game was … Continuer la lecture

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My first days in France, by Mateo (5th grade)

When I came to France, I was very very very VERY sad. Back in america, I had friends (really good friends) and a super good neighborhood. I even had a creek and woods where me friends could play . America has … Continuer la lecture

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