Diary of a Confined Kid #53 : Lou (5th grade-CM2)

May 11th is the first day of school for some schools. Said the president. Yeah, you’re one to talk. There are still some cases in France, and in Nantes, Paris, Domont… so the de-confinement I don’t really believe it if you ask me, but I want to go back to school. But hey, as they say, you have to keep hope.
So, in a week’s time, the friends are probably going to be separated and not see each other again before the next class, because we have to be in half a class. What about meals? Have you thought about meals? And group work, we can forget about that, etc… It’s a shame, we agree, but we can’t do anything about it.
Let’s hope it won’t be like this next year.
See you soon !

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Diary of a Confined Kid #52 : Louis (3rd grade-CE2)

Day 46

Yesterday, we went outside. I rode my bicycle to see the fish and the ducks.

We fed them the stinky bread Dad made that was already five days old.

For the past three days, we have been making a stop-motion video. It is called “Le Commissariat.” The story is about twelve men and horses and three dogs and a squad of US paratroopers and a big squad of Germans.

Day 48 Five good things about confinement:

1. We can watch films.

2. We color pictures of horses.

3. We can play with our toys much longer than normal.

4. There is less tension than in school.

5. We can order almost anything online, but you have to learn to wait.

Day 55

We have been inside for fifty-five days.

I have seen Barthélémy eight times and tomorrow I’m going to see him again.

Outside, there are too many people and too many sneaky guys. They are not following the rules. They are too close together.

Inside, we washed the hallway outside our apartment because the cleaning service hasn’t come.

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Diary of a Confined Kid #51 : Charlie (3rd grade-CE2)

After the confinement I would like to go to the swimming pool, do a picnic, and go to the beach. And see my friends !

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Diary of a Confined Kid #50 : Anna (3rd grade-CE2)


Thanks to the confinement thi air pollution decreases.

After the confinement I will pick my new dog and I will invite my friend in my house.


Thanks to the confinement the air pollution decreases.

After the confinement I will pick my new dog and I will invite my friend in my house.

I feel good  because I have snail farm :

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Diary of a Confined Kid #49 : Agathe C (4th grade-CM1)

In June, I will go and see my friend Coralie.

I like school at home but I also like school because I can play with my friends.

I feel good because I do not have to wake up too early.

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Diary of a Confined Kid #48 : Hugo (4th grade-CM1)

Do you like school at home?

I like it and I don’t like it because parents can be annoying with you. But at school it is sometimes worst. For example, at school, you can get low score but at home you do not have to get any score or surprise test.

I like it to be with my parents all day long; but I understand that if you don’t like to be with your parents all the day, then it becomes hard.

I will be happy to be back to school because I have friends to play with, teachers to learn from and work with.

I just hope that all kids will be listening to each other and not be rude to enjoy school all together.

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Diary of a Confined Kid #47 : Victor (5th grade-CM2)

Previously on « Diary of a Confined Kid » : bla bla bla bla bla 11 May biiip biiip biiip. We’ve killed two cats and  one person (now to the real stuff).

We did it! (Dora’s song) We did it! We did it! Yeah!, Yes, we did it!

Oh, no, the micro’s on, I need to turn it off.

Though, I haven’t done my diary in 2 days, I’ve only been watching Dora, Teletubbies and funny cat videos.

About Teletubbies, poor Laa-Laa, Dipsy, Po, Loo-Loo and Tinky-Winky. You have to feel sorry for these guys. They have antennae growing out of their heads and video screens in their stomachs. What did these kids do? Swallow a TV? It’s like, I don’t know. A TV inside a TV! And if you get lucky, you can see a TV in the Teletubbies TV while you’re watching your TV.

Ok, now I need an aspirin because all of this aspirin is making me aspirin. You see!

Ok, bye bye now! (and take care …. which I’m not doing)

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Diary of a Confined Kid #46 : Chloé (4th grade-CM1)

My holidays

On my holidays, I did DIY. I did a miniature bowling, a board for my materials and a pencil box.

Each week, I did a video for my family with DIY tricks. I talked with Mathilde and Kimberly on Skype.

       Monday 27th April

Today I did my homework in my home. I do French, history and maths. I did a virtual class with the CM1 in my class. I the midday I eat a cheese pancakes with greens beens.

I had a wonderful day.

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Diary of a Confined Kid #45 : Hugo (4th grade-CM1)

5 good things about being confined:

  • I like to play with my friends online because we can chat and play on a game called brawl stars.
  • I like to play with my dog outside in the garden as green as the grasshopper when the sky is blue.
  • I like to eat a heavy breakfast because I have more time to eat my delicious bread butter honey sandwich.
  • I like to sleep in the dark with my black cat, it’s so cute!
  • I like to play football with my dad in the green garden because it’s so hot outside and good.

  • Hugo (with some help of my sister, Octavie)
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Diary of a Confined Kid #44 : Raphaël (4th grade-CM1)

Monday 27th April 2020 
There are just three good things about being confined :

  1.  You don’t need to wake up early and go to school 
  2. I have more time to do things like play games, go outside in the garden etc.
  3. I can tidy my room and rediscover my old things that went missing.

In June, hopefully, we won’t be in confinement and I would just like to go on a bike ride !

I like school at home because at school (outside) you have to go there and come back on a bus, bike or car, but here  you just have to go downstairs!

I feel great at home.

P.S I really want to go to the see the sea.

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