Diary of a Confined Kid #43 : Abygail (3rd grade-CE2)

Since the confinement, I prefer school at home because if I hurry to work well in the morning, in the afternoon I do what I like.

In June, after the confinement, I would like to go karting, have a picnic, go to a restaurant and meet my grandmother.

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Diary of a Confined Kid #42 : Lou (5th grade-CM2)

I spend good holidays because I read, play the console, read, eat, read, wash, read, play the console with my little brother Evan, eat, chat with friends on Skype, play Barbies superheroes with Evan, etc… Every day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Yes I now, we say it’s cool but I still prefer school !


I like school at home a little bit but I really prefer school AT SCHOOL !!!!!!  (Sorry, I may have get a little carried away.)

My dad is making cloth masks for me and my family. But everyone does not have a mask and I can’t breathe with the mask, so I prefer to keep it off.

So, I have to leave you to do my exciting activities (and work of course).

Here’s another activity that I will be able to put on my schedule : work, read, eat, play console games with Evan, work work, go out little bit, work, talk on Skype,…,

Good bye everyone, I am very, very, very busy!!!!

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Diary of a Confined Kid #41 : Victor (5th grade-CM2)

Bla bla bla bla bla bla 11 May bla bla bla 11 May bla bla bla 11 May … Zzzzzzz…What? Did the President say that the beginning of the end of the confinement is in one month? Biiiiiiiip (bad word!)

Ok, I confess, I got a little carried away. But just a little. I only said that … what? One bad word, I’m not like Ted. Oh, you’re wondering who is Ted? Well, I’ll tell ya.

He is really friendly, it’s … my pet rock! (I don’t really have one but it’s just to make you laugh). Do you want to know our favourite game? I throw him on a person’s car !! And I’ve already killed two cats and one person

So, I’m going to talk about May 11th next time because I’m running out of space on the page and if I continue, I will be out of ideas.

Bye bye, now (and take care!)

Pet rocks!
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Recipe of delicious yogurts, by Emilien (5th grade-CM2)


– 1L of whole milk

– 1 yogurt

step1 :

Boil milk between 20 and 40 minutes

step2 :

Wait until the temperature falls at 40°c and mix  milk and yogurt

step3 :

Turn the oven at 50°c and fill in the cups

step4 :

Put the cups in « bain marie »

stop the oven

step5 :

Leave them in the oven, with a cloth on the yogurt, during 10 hours (one night)

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Diary of a Confined Kid #40 : Victor (5th grade-CM2)

(suite du Diary #38…)

Noooooooooooooo! The virus is losing.


That’s a good thing or a bad thing?

I’m completely lost with all these screamings and nonsense.

Tug, tug, tug. Please stand by. The creator of this script has some technical difficutly with his brain to find ideas.

Thought. This is an emergency idea, so that was his last idea.

But, no, since what he is writing now is another emergency idea to make the script longer.

So, to make this stop here is some emergency.

Nonsensed jokes : what did shellyxzuq eat? A shellyztibrm cake! Ha ha ha ha ha! (crowd laughing)

What did iiyiiyiiy said to iiyiiyiiy? (nonsensed joke) He said iiyiiyiiyiiyiiyiiy. Ha ha ha ha (crowd laughing)

Ok, I says bye bye now.

Bye bye, now.

(teacher’s note : la maîtresse décline toute responsabilité pour ce texte , hi hi hi…)

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Diary of a Confined Kid #39 : book review by Callista (5th grade-CM2)

Hello everybody!

I have read a book called « The secret Garden » during the confinement period.

It’s about a girl, her name is Mary Lennox, she lives in India.

Her parents are rich and they have a lot of servants.

But, one day, a cholera epidemic spreads over her house and her parents die.

So, she is sent to live in her uncle’s manor in England.

She soon discovers that her uncle has locked up a garden since his wife died and Mary wants to find it.

And also, it seems that somebody is sometimes crying in her uncle’s manor. But who is it? And why does nobody want to talk about it?

You will know if you read the book!

(teacher’s note : le livre est disponible en classe, en version originale et aussi dans une version plus courte. A emprunter dès le retour à l’école !

Il existe aussi un très joli film du même nom, de 1993)

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Diary of a Confined Kid #38 : Victor (5th grade-CM2)

It’s a war!! The President said it was the war!!

Arm the canons, prepare to shoot with everything you got when you see the Covid-19. I mean litterally : cans, bottles, everything.

There virus, shoot! Piu piu piu!

Shoot also with the tanks!

Fire! Pooarrsshhhhhhh hooray!! Yes!Head shot!

Watch out on the left!

Fire! Piu piu pooom piu shhhhh boom piu piu!!!

Don’t let yourself cought byt the virus, the hospitals are full of people!

Yes, we’re winning! No, we’re loosing! No! Yes! No! Yes! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

(to be continued Pom pom pom poooom…)

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Diary of a Confined Kid #37 : Lou (5th grade-CM2)

Hi everyone! I hope confinement is going well.

I’m fine, I started the volume 3 of a book called Guardians of the Lost Cities, it’s great ! I’m getting as far as I can in my work and it’s often easy.

But everyone has his difficulties and me too.

I saw Arthur and the Minimoys, an adventure that I recommend you (there is the 1, 2, 3). In short I have the impression that this week of confinement will go well (at least for me hi hi 😉 ).

I wish you all a good week !

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Diary of a Confined Kid #36 : Léon (4th grade-CM1)

Today I feel good. I’m playing in my bedroom and living room with my two brothers .

I don’t go outside . I do my homework in my living room with my computer .

I watch  TV show called Lumni, I watch also the « big big holidays » (Les Grandes grandes vacances) .

It happens during the second world war. Heroes are children from 6 to 12 years old .

It is a bit sad because there is a child who gets killed because he didn’t not wear a jewish star.


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Nightmare… by Lucie

It’s my horrible what’s up 
It’s horrible, I speak only English!I can’t speak French anymore! I don’t understand what my mother says. I can’t argue with my sister !I feel sad, lonely and stupid. Please help me! I don’t know what to do. I feel like a stranger in a far far country! It’s very scareful… 

Happy April fools’ day!!!


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