Diary of a Confined Kid #21 : Théophile (5th grade-CM2)


Hi, Today I work for 4 hours.

I eat a ravioli and zucchini gratin cooked by my dad.

I call my friends on Skype with my pet rat.

And I read about 1 hundred pages of my book.  


Today I work.

I eat potatoes, leeks and diced bacon.

I do sport. And I finish my book.

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Diary of a Confined Kid #20 : Taran (5th grade-CM2)

Thursday 26th March

Today I am writing to you from a 10 to 15 year old PC. This is worth a lot of exclamation points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reason we brought out this PC was that I wanted to watch a Netflix film but my parents needed their computers, so my mum found this computer and gave it to me.

This story is composed of 3 victories and 3 failures.

1st victory: it works. This is also worth a lot of a exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2nd victory: it’s got the internet. This is worth 1 000 000 000 exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3rd victory: we found the film!

1st failure: when we tried to play the film, the screen was all blank. It doesn’t work! So mum says maybe it needs an update, so we find the update system, but it can’t update everything at once (more than 150 updates!). So we need to untick all the updates we don’t need.

2nd failure: I take ¼ of an hour to untick the other 150 updates. Guess what? It disconnects when I’m typing the password, so all the ticks come back.

3rd failure: I take another ¼ of an hour. This time, it does not disconnect. But there was still too much for it to update. I gave up after that.

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Diary of a Confined Kid #19 : Anna (3rd grade-CE2)

In the moorning I wake up at 7.30.

I eat my breakfast (cereals and milk).

I dress up and I play until 9.00.

Then I work until 12.00. I prefer to work my english

Then I have lunch .

In the afternoon I watch to Theederman on Netflix and I play Barbie and Lego alone.

Sometimes I play badminton with my father.

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Diary of a Confined Kid #18 : Joude (5th grade-CM2)

Teacher’s note : j’espère que tout n’est pas vrai dans son texte …! Et merci Joude d’avoir ajouté le vocabulaire !

First day: I’m so happy, do you know why? Because school is over. All the teachers say that we are not on holiday and that we have to do our homework, but I don’t care about homework, I won’t do it.

I almost forgot to tell you why we don’t go to school. Because there’s a « coronialavirus » pandemic or something like that, I don’t know what exactly.

But there’s something I don’t like at all, WE CAN’T GO OUT!!!!

I wanted to play with my friend Robert. And so I need to bear my brother Rodrick for 3 weeks !!! He’s going to be more unpleasant because he can’t go with his « super rock band » because there’s the co… oh how do you write that stuff. Anyway, I hope I don’t die just on the first day.

Day two: When I was in bed, I woke up but Rodrick took some water and threw it to me. I called Robert on the phone, but no one answered. I don’t know what he’s doing because he’s supposed to be home (« coriuanovirus » pandemics) all the time.

I stayed and locked my room door to work on my computer. 

But when I look out the window I see Robert playing outside with his mother! I really wanted to play with them but when I wanted to get out of my room, Rodrick blocked me with a chair. So I thought of an idea… BINGO!!! I can jump out the window. So I opened my window and I got out, but I slipped and I ended up in the dump. Then my dad saw me and said, « Greg, What a great idea to get the rubbish out now ! »

Vocabulary : dump=décharge







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Diary of a Confined Kid #17 : Leena (4th grade-CM1)

Confined Kid and her cat : Working time, 10Th day :

7:30 : wake up with music and several hugs and kisses to my cat.😍

8:00 : breakfast, this morning pancakes and several hugs et kisses to my cat😍

9:OO  : school work…when my cat doesn’t want kisses and hugs😽

10:15 recreation and a time for kisses and hugs to my cat😍

10: 45 : school work  when,my cat doesnt want kisses and hugs 😹

12:15 : lunch time and hugs and kisses😍

afternoon : play in the garden, school work and of course kisses and hugs to my cat.

Containment is boring because I can’t see my friends but I love my cat😸😸 


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Diary of a Confined Kid #16 : Aymeric (5th grade-CM2)

I’m going to clap every night. Next time, I will be playing the trumpet!!!!


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Diary of a Confined Kid #15 : Callista (5th grade-CM2)

(Some vocabulary : a snack : un goûter / to move : déménager / the sunlight = the sun / noise : du bruit)

I am a bit bored. Each day, I do the same things : in the morning, I do my homework, then I eat my lunch, I go outside to the private park (it’s a private area for all the apartments where I live), I come back to eat my snack, I continue my homework, I do my piano, I play a bit with my sister, I eat my dinner and I go to sleep.

That’s all but it’s annoying to repeat it each day.

We moved two weeks ago, so there were a lot of boxes everywhere. Now, it’s better than before but there are still some boxes here and there.

We have a balcony, so that’s cool. We can see « la Loire » in the bright sunlight. It’s beautiful.

The problem is that there is a person below us in the apartement, he has come to see us twice because we made too much noise. The first time, it was because I was playing piano and he was working. The second time, it was because my sister was jumping too much.

Oh well, anyway, goodbye!


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Diary of a Confined Kid #13 : Chloé (4th grade-CM1)

Monday 23rd March

Today, I feel good. In the morning, I do my homework. At lunch time, I eat

pastas with ham and egg. In the afternoon, I do my homework again and I play

in my garden.

Tuesday 24th March

Today, I feel good but I’m tired. Because  in the night I wake up : a teeth fell

in my mouth. Today, I do my homework. At lunch time, I eat a chinese meal with rice, it’s

delicious. This afternoon, I play in my garden.

Tonight, Tooth Fairy?

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Diary of a Confined Kid #12 : Taran (5th grade-CM2)

Tuesday 24 march

Yesterday my mum was crying because she was cutting a leek … don’t ask me how that’s possible. A leek is “un poireau” just so you know.

Note from the mum: it was a very powerful leek. I’m not having some kind of a breakdown.

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Diary of a Confined Kid #11 : Lucie (5th grade-CM2)

24/03/2020 :

I am building the Eiffel Tower in diamond blocks! It’s beautiful. I have the Statue of Liberty, but… It is too easy and it is not in diamond !

25/03/2020 :

The Eiffel Tower expands ! Beside the Eiffel Tower, there is a little bus and a big bench.

26/03/2020 :

I build the 4 « feet » of the Eiffel Tower. Build the Eiffel Tower takes 5 months ?

I don’t have the statue of liberty but I have NEW YORK CITY!!!

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