Welcome to Stephanie!

We are very happy to welcome Stephanie, our new assistant!

Let’s get to know her (questions asked by the 5th graders) :

Where do you come from?

I come from Auckland, New Zealand.

How many people live in New Zealand?

There are 5 million people in New Zealand : 4 million in the North Island and 1 million in the South Island and Stewart Island.

What’s your favorite fruit?

It’s the dragon fruit.

Do you like hamburgers?

Yes, I love hamburgers.

Do you like France?

I LOVE France!

What do you like about France?

You make excellent bread. French food is the best food I had in my life. I also like all the sceneries.

How many languages do you speak?

I speak English, French and a little bit of mandarin.

What’s your favourite colour?

My favourite colours are black and purple.

Do you like animals?

I love animals! I have 3 cat, chickens, goldfish rabbits, birds. But I don’t like mice.

Thanks, Stephanie, and welcome to our school! w!e are happy to learn English with you this year!

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A Halloween story (by Rayane and Oren, 3rd grade)

Now, finish the story, using a list of words…

It started at dawn time…We saw a light,then heard a noise.We heard footsteps,so we screemed !!!!!!!! We saw cobwebs. We ran down the hall and hid under a bed. (Rayane)

It was dawn, I saw the light, suddenly it started to rain really hard, spiders started making cobwebs all around me ! I heard a noise, it got louder and louder, till it turned into a scream ! I hid under my bed. I heard foosteps… when they passed, it was not my mom or my dad or my sister…but it was creepy . I tried to run down the hall but then…he spotted me and started chasing me, I ran downstairs and stabed him with a knife , luckily I’m twelve years old ! (Oren)

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Rainbow colors …. see our text (2nd graders/CE1):

Nous avons inventé la suite… :

Tell me, tell me, what do you see ?

I see a pumpkin and it’s orange.

I see a dog and it’s brown.

I see a dragon and it’s red.

I see a cat and it’s white.

I see a pencil and it’s red.

I see a horse and it’s purple.

I see an elephant and it’s grey.

I see a spider and it’s black.

I see a bag and it’s pink.

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Valentin’s totem pole

Here is a Lego totem pole, made by Valentin G (1st grade/CP). Well done, Valentin!

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See our totem pole! (from the 1st-graders/CP)

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What is your totem animal? (3rd graders)

I am a wolf because I love my family. (Barthelemy)

I am a frog because I am beautiful. (Ariane)

I am a wolf because I love my family. (Elyot)

I am bee because I am happy (Vanessa)

I am  a wolf because I love my family. (Adem)

I am a bear beacause I am strong. (Martin)

I am a wolf because I love my family (Basile).

I am a lynx because I am mysterious (Cassiopée)

I am a bee because I am happy. (Roxane)

I am a horse because I am powerful. (Pauline)

I am a crow because I am intelligent. (Oren)

I am a spider because I am creative. (Rayane)

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About Oren and Rayane (3rd graders-CE2)

When I moved to France, I was excited for my school and for soccer . I moved because my mom had work here. In Boston it is total confinment. It was not at all fun but, to keep me company other than my mom, dad ; brother , I got two cats! (Oren)

Conversation with Rayane :

If you opened a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve ?

I would serve: pizza or pasta with meatballs.

How often do you ride the bus ? Do you like the bus or the train ?

I like trains beacause they go fast especially the (TGV) !

What makes you nervous ?

Slides atached on a tree .

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Scare your Dad, a story by Julien (1st grader)

New at Anatole de Monzie : we are now officially an S.I.A. (Section Internationale Américaine), and it is now open to all levels, from 1st grade (CP) to 5th grade (CM2)!

Here is a story written by Julien (with the help of his mum) :

How to scare you Dad?

It’s not easy to scare your Dad. Even harder than scaring your Mum. Check our collection for details :

  • Start by listening to the radio on monsters, dinosaurs and scary things like ghosts.
  • You really can scare your Dad with this booklet.
  • Tell him shadows are monsters, dinosaurs and ghosts. Most likely they are monsters.
  • Explain how he has to be cautious because these monsters are always under his feet.
  • Don »t walk on the dark. You might get spied.
  • Burst our a him saying « Woooohh » so he thinks you are a ghost or something else scary. Test several options to see what scares him best.
  • Pretending to be a lion might get him to jump out of his pyjamas at night. THE END
I am scared!
It’s scary!
A shadow
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Welcome back to school!

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Snow White : our funny picture book

Because of the lockdown, we could not finalize and present our play (Snow White).

So, we had to be creative and find another way to perform.

Many thanks to all the 5th graders who took pictures at home, recorded their text with enthusiasm. The result is awesome! Here are only a few pictures :

The narrator
Snow White 1
The Queen 1
The huntsman
The magic mirror
Queen 2
Snow White 2
The Prince
Will you marry me?

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