Diary of a Confined Kid #10 : Hugo (4th grade-CM1)

This is how your text should look like (I changed changed the punctuation and a few details) :

Before school was closed, I went to my grandma’s beach house.  It’s not that far. The days are long. We just have work to do but we can talk on the phone with our friends,  that’s good.

I like to read Harry Potter’s books.

On Friday, we talk with all my class and my teacher,  that’s good.

I will DIE!!! : out there, it’s so hot and in the morning, I’m so cold.

I like to play football in my garden.

I went outside to walk my dog and the cops stopped me and my mom. We asked if they want the paper, they said « I trust you ».  I was scared and I went running.

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Diary of a Confined Kid #9 : Charlie (3rd grade-CE2)

 It’s really weird. There is nobody in the streets. I don’t hear any sound.

I would prefer be at school but I feel happy to be at home.

I would like to play outside.

Goodbye !


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Diary of a Confined Kid #8 : Raphaël (4th grade-CM1)

It’s been seven days since I have seen a road! 

At the moment I am in my kitchen doing my homework.

The only people I see are my family, the neighbours from their windows and the lizards in my garden. 

Everyday, I go in my garden to stretch or to play sports with my brother. I am a little bit scared that my parents will get the virus. So every day, at 8 pm, we go into the loft, open the windows and clap to show our support to the doctors and nurses. 

Anyway I am having a good time!


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Diary of a Confined Kid #7 : Lou (5th grade-CM2)

Last week, it was a total mess : in the street, everyone was trying to move away from people.

This week, my mum and I went shopping for bread and there were more 5 than meters between some people. The streets are deserted and when you cross someone, he looks at you and stays away.

My day at home was good but my brother wants to play « Mario Kart 7 » on my console.

I’m really looking forward to going back to school. 


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Diary of a Confined Kid #6 : Abygail (3rd grade-CE2)

Today, I feel happy because I have more time to do your work. I work with my mum because my dad works during the week.

We create objects, DIY, we sew. I do my homework in my bedroom but sometimes in my parents’ bedroom to use my mum’s computer.

I play in my bedroom and in the living room.

My favourite food is chocolate pancakes.

My favourite book is « Miraculous ».

My favourite recipe is bolognese pasta.

I don’t like dark colours.

I like going to the cinema.


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Diary of a Confined Kid #5 : Victor (5th grade-CM2)

It’s really weird. The streets are deserted, there is almost no one in the streets, only delivery guys, cops and other people. But let’s be clear with me, there is almost nobody in the streets. Though, I’m very shocked because I can still hear planes. Do you realize it? PLANES! PLANES! PLANES!!!

Each night, at 8 p.m., get out of your house or on your balcony to give a round of applause to our doctors. And not just our doctors, the doctors and firefighters of all our planet!!!!

And, take care of yourself!


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Diary of a Confined Kid #4 : Taran (5th grade-CM2)

I don’t know what to say.

I haven’t been outside for 10 days.

Nothing’s happening, I’ve nearly finished all my work, yesterday I saw an ambulance just in front of our house, it’s not a very good sign.

That’s kind of it.

I hope you’re not dying and bye!

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Diary of a Confined Kid #3 : Anaïs (3rd grade-CE2)

Today , I Feel  good because the sun shines.

I do my homework.

After I played with my brother. We drew.

Last week, we have  made Loïc ‘s recipe – the chocolate caramel – with my brother. We enjoyed ourselves.

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Diary of a Confined Kid #2 : Victor (5th grade-CM2)

Today, my mum went shopping for food. When she was there, there were no more spaghettis. When she got home, she made a stock of food. Now, we have a lot more food than usual.

Outside, the roads are empty, nobody is walking in the streets. I’m wondering if, one day, an antidote will be made or if the virus will keep on travelling and we would all be touched? I am also wondering what the homeless people are doing? Do they know about the virus? And if they do, where do they go? What do they do? I wonder.

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Diary of a Confined Kid #1 : Athena (3rd grade-CE2)

Some vocabulary :

To move : déménager / A slide : un toboggan / The cops : les policiers

Well, I’m really happy because we moved in our new apartment but …it’s not the best thing : because of the coronavirus, we can’t see our friends that live next door.

There are lots of kids from school that live in the apartment right next to ours and also that group of apartments are in a circle and there is a park in the middle of them and all of us go to play in the park : there is even a little wooden house for little kids and, with my sister, we use its roof like a slide, it’s so much fun.

But now, we can’t see our friends because of the President’s decision.

When we go to the park, we have nobody to play with.

It’s kind of annoying. Apart from homework and TV, the only thing we can do without being bored is go on the balcony. On the balcony, you can see the Loire river (but the bridge disturbs me).

It is funny because, now, everyone needs a paper to go outside to do important stuff to survive, like running, doing sport, buying food, without being contaminated by the coronavirus.

We can see the cops stopping every car to see if the people inside have their paper.

The worst thing is that we are in the middle of boxes. Hopefully, we found the box with games in it!

These are the weirdest holidays of my like. Oh, sorry, it’s not a holiday but I don’t know how to call it… Let’s call in the “holiday of the horrible coronavirus”! Yes, that’s a good name.

Well, see you next time. Bye, bye!


Résultat de recherche d'images pour "déménagement"
Kids, Park, Children, Boy, Happiness, Childhood, Girl
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