Akapo’s recipe : APPLE CRUMBLE

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Podcast : Find our radio shows here!

If you could not listen to SUN (93FM) during the holidays, you will find our recordings following the below link.

5 shows about Mystery Persons…. 5 English-speaking personalities : artists, political leaders, scientists…

The pupils will give you clues.

Will you guess who? …

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The Great Gatsby by Skype

By Denise Barstow,

On Monday, February 10, the Lycee Nelson Mandela SIA Premieres class experienced the global classroom. To finish up their work on F.Scott Fitzgerald’s classic 1925 novel The Great Gatsby, they connected via Skype to watch a presentation on the major themes of the novel by University of Connecticut English Professor Jason Courtmanch. 

Professor Courtmanch reminded the students of  the importance of the 1920’s historical context of white power and privilege being called into question by the demographic changes caused by massive immigration from southern and eastern Europe, and the Great Migration northwards of African-Americans.  The novel is about much more than the American Dream: it highlights the issues of Otherness and exclusion, and how people may be rejected by those in power.   He insisted on the importance of studying this novel because of the many echos in today’s American society.

            The Skype format allowed the students to ask their own questions in the second half of the presentation.  They had prepared dozens of questions, for example they wanted to know more about the issues of crossing social and geographical boundaries, about who is the real hero of the novel, what makes Fitzgerald a unique author, and just how much can we believe the narrator’s version of the facts?  The questions were truly relevant and the students gained new insights into the novel and the characters. They came away wondering how the story would be different if Jay Gatsby or Daisy Buchanan were bi-racial, and what if the true hero of the story is the minor character Owl-Eyes, the only one who truly sees Gatsby for what he is? Their reflections on the novel grew broader and deeper today, and should help them in their written and oral analyses. They are looking forward to their next real interaction in the virtual classroom!

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Let’s cook pancakes!

The tradition in England : On Pancake Day, which is always on a Tuesday, we eat pancakes with sugar, lemon juice, honey or jam, and sometimes maple syrup.

It’s a tradition to toss the pancake, and you have to be careful how you catch it!

In some cities, town and villages, there are Pancake Races, where you run with a pancake pan and where you must toss a pancake. The winner is the one who never drops his pancake.

A very easy pancake recipe :

Ingredients :

  • eggs : 2
  • sugar : 4 teaspoons
  • milk : 25cl
  • flour : 340g
  • backing powder
  • a pich of salt

1/ Mix together eggs and milk.

2/Add the sugar.

3/ Add flour and baking powder. Mix together.

4/ Add a pinch of salt

5/ Cook the pancakes one by one in a pan.

Yummy !

Here is a famous pancake day rhyme
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Preparing Valentine’s day!

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A delicious recipe : the carrot cake

You need :

150g butter

200g brown sugar

2 eggs

300g grated carrots

200g flour

Baking powder

A teaspoon of spices (cinnamon, anise, cardamom, nutmeg….)

Method :

1/ Melt the butter

2/ Add all the ingredients

3/ Stir

4/ Bake at 170°C (=338°F) during 1 hour


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SUN…We were back! By Taran and Victor

The 16th January, we went to Radio SUN (93FM) at Nantes rue Jeanne D’arc. Solange and Axel welcomed us to the Radio.We were accompanied by 2 teachers and 2 parents.

At the radio we read 6 texts we had prepared on known people : Charlie Chaplin, Elizabeth II, Gandhi, Graham Bell, Walt Disney. We also did the weather forecast and an introduction.

When we didn’t read we could play games called « mad lips ».

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Practice your English at home!

Here are two websites we are using at school. Feel free to keep practicing at home! :

  • Play with me (don’t write your real last name) : https://jerevise.net/jeux/playwithme2/
  • Learning chocolate : http://www.learningchocolate.com/

You need :

  • a computer with an Internet connection
  • a headphone

Ideal for beginners.

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Cooking fudge for Christmas

400ml sweetened condensed milk

300g dark chocolate

1/ melt

2/ put in a square dish

3/ leave 3-6 hours in the fridge

4/ cut

5/ eat!

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Reading at the kindergarten

Each week, the 5th graders (CM2) have been reading short stories in English to the kindergarten pupils. The audience was very attentive !

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