Potluck SIA au lycée Nelson-Mandela samedi 12 octobre

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My dream house!

My house is in Australia. My bedroom has a slide that goes to the pool and I have 3 gardens with a pool with fishes inside.

My living room is really big and there is a big TV. Also I have a little bathroom and I have paintings and a library with books and there’s a tunnel that leads to Scotland !

My pool has a slide with sharks and the slide leads to England.


My dream house

In my dream house we will have a big swimming pool and a big garden.in mi bedroom I will have tow slides one slide will go to the swiming pool. There will be a tennis pitch, there will be a beach and a paddle boat.

There will be a 91-storey treehouse, there will be a bowling alley and there will be a karting room. There will be ten babyfoot girls and boys. There will be a restaurant with a big garden. There will be a big kitchen.and a big garden.



In my dream house they would be a giant golden living-room and also a really big pool with five ten-meters diving boards. They would also be a diamond majiestic bedroom with a triple bed and, in my garden , I would have a sauna. I would have my own theme park and I would like to have a godzilla pet.


My Dream House!

My dream house has a giant swimming pool, with a big slide and a real size football pitch. It will be a nice castle ! With a big living room . The bedroom will be huge with an exquisite view !

I will have a bar, and a big moat with a beautiful kayak boat.

The bathroom will have the biggest shower EVER!!!!!!! There will be a laser tag room for up to four players. Outside there will be a karting. There will be a 104-storey treehouse in the backyard. There will be a room for ping-pong. There will be a cinema room with the best chairs ever made! A party would be held every year in my castle. The garden will have the rarest trees ever found! My job would be to design trainers!


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I didn’t do my homework because…

We read the book written by David Cali and found many other funny ideas…

I didn’t do my homework because…

  • I climbed up a tree and I didn’t know how to go down (Athena-CE2).
  • I went to Scotland. (Akapo-CE2)
  • There is a monster in my bedroom. (Maméry-CE2)
  • My cat went to the vet. (Jules-CE2)
  • My dog ate my pencils. (Anna-CE2)
  • I was in a traffic jam. (Akapo-CE2)
  • There was a cow that messed up my house. (Athena-CE2)
  • There is a dinosaur in my garage. (Anaïs-CE2)
  • A lion ate my bedroom. (Akapo-CE2)
  • It was raining cats and dogs so I couldn’t go to my house. (Athena-CE2)
  • There is a fire in my house (Evan-CE2)
  • A monster breaks my bedroom (Anaïs-CE2)
  • My zip is stuck. (Anna-CE2)
  • There was a whale in my pool. (Akapo-CE2)
  • There is a panda in my house. (Maméry-CE2)
  • There is a monster in my bedroom. (Arthur-CE2)
  • A dog ate my homework. (Louis-CE2)
  • A horse ate my homewrok. (Louis-CE2)
  • I am stuck in the grass. (Anna-CE2)
  • My homework has 2 little legs and broke down in my bed. (Athena-CE2)
  • My fish went to the vet. (Jules-CE2)
  • My bed tried to kill me (Louis-CE2)
  • My chair broke. (Akapo-CE2)
  • a monster-wave ate my book. (Maméry-CE2)
  • A storm takes out my homework (Louis-CE2)
  • My cat is guilty because he couldn’t catch a mouse. (Anna-CE2)
  • Yesterday, there was a storm. (Anaïs-CE2)
  • A Smurf ate my homework (Akapo-CE2)
  • I was stuck in very sticky grass. (Athena-CE2)
  • i am a Smurf (Jules-CE2)
  • My book is a monster. (Evan-CE2)
  • My pencil case does not want to give me the pencils. (Louis-CE2)
  • A monster ate my book. (Maméry-CE2)
  • The book breaks (Abygaïl-CE2)
  • I was kidnapped (Leon-CM1)
  • There was an extremely noisy chicken in my room. (Samuel-CM1)
  • My dog is sick. (Agathe L-CM1)
  • There was an atomic bomb in my bedroom (Samuel-CM1)
  • My pencil tried to kill me. (Samuel-CM1)
  • A monster eats me. (Léon-CM1)
  • My bag was in an airplane, and the airplane crashed. (Dimitra-CM1)
  • My teddy bears turned evil. (Hugo-CM1)
  • It’s raining cats and dogs in my house. (Agathe L-CM1)
  • A wave took my homework. (Lola-CM1)
  • My homework is sick. (Dimitra-CM1)
  • My homework is lost in a maze. (Léon-CM1)
  • My homework flies in the sky (Baya-CM1)
  • Satan was pouring lava on my bedroom. (Samuel-CM1)
  • My head is on fire. (Chloé-CM1)
  • I fell in a traffic jam. (Agathe L-CM1)
  • A wave came on my house. (Dimitra-CM1)
  • A panda eats the homework. (Baya-CM1)
  • Yesterday, it was pouring and the homework was wet. (Léon-CM1)
  • A monster ate my house (Raphaël-CM1)
  • My homework is next to my computer and the computer exploded. (Dimitra-CM1)
  • I was lost in a maze (Agathe L-CM1)
  • My house exploded (Leena-CM1)
  • There was a traffic jam in my house. (Samuel-CM1)
  • My dog eats my homework. (Baya-CM1)
  • My book exploded! (Leena-CM1)
  • A meteorite fell on my house. (Samuel -CM1)
  • An army of soldiers took my homework (Hugo-CM1)
  • My homework is in space. (Dimitra – CM1)
  • I ate a banana, it was out of date. (Chloé-CM1)
  • Jupiter crashed me. (Raphaël-CM1)
  • My homework exploded by the sun. (Dimitra-CM1)
  • A tsunami obliterated my house (Samuel -CM1)
  • My house collapsed. (Léon-CM1)
  • I went to the beach, there was a wave, my book is wet. (Agathe L-CM1)
  • I eat too fast. (Lola-CM1)
  • My homework is in Hawai. (Dimitra-CM1)
  • There was a giant nuke (nuclear bomb) in front of my house. (Samuel-CM1)
  • My chickpeas fell on my homework. (Léon-CM1)
  • My dog eats my book. (Leena-CM1)
  • I lost my book in the bedroom. (Agathe L-CM1)
  • My tamagoshi pooped on my homework (Samuel-CM1)
  • My homework jumped into the swimming-pool. (Raphaël-CM1)
  • A monster was under the bed and he ate my homework. (Dimitra-CM1)
  • It was raining cats and dogs in my backpack. (Agathe L-CM1)
  • My homework fell on the grass (Léon-CM1)
  • I forget my homework at the exhibition. (Baya-CM1)
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Back to school!

Here is a back to school poem :

Summer is over, fall is here

Back to school for a brand new year.

Pack your things, on the bus you go

Make new friends and say hello!

Reading, writing, learning more

Than you ever did before.

Adding numbers…1, 2, 3

So much to do, and learn, and see.

I’m glad to meet everyone

Get ready for a year of fun!

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2019 Graduation Ceremony

This evening, at Nelson Mandela High School, don’t miss the graduation ceremony for the 2016-2019 pupils. Be there at 8:20 pm

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Jeunes en Scènes

Bad and Breakfast

At the beginning of June, the pupils in 4ème and 5ème participated in the School Theatre Festival « Jeunes en Scène » at Ligéria in Sainte Luce sur Loire.

Two Against the World

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Treasure hunt at the botanical garden

Written by the SVI-CM2 pupils.
Some serious questions… and also funny challenges.
3 teams for … 1 treasure!
We had fun!

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Our trip to New York!



On Friday, we did a virtual trip to New York. The flight attendant takes the luggage and puts them in the X-Ray machine. There are beautiful costumes, scarfs, shoes, hair buns etc.


We explain to the kids in the school that they have to put their suitcases in the X’ray machine, then, they have to go to see the other customs officer. The customs officer ask their passport and ask some questions, too. If the kids are right, they get a boarding pass, so they get allowed to go to the flight.



We took the luggage to a room for the take-off. We had a video for take-off and for landing.

There were 2 roles : one for the CM2 and one for the CM1.

We also had a powerpoint presentation to visit New York City.



The CM1 did a presentation. On the presentation, we saw photos of New York city.

There was the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building ? It took 10 minutes to do the visit of New York.

Lucie N.

WORKSHOP 1 : ARTS (Keith Haring)

The activity of Keith Haring was that we had to make a little person without eyes, nose, hair or mouth. We did the position of the person, then we did the ouline in black, then we cut it out. Finally, we painted the inside of the person.

Each of us made one to make a fresco in our school !

Lucie C.

during our stay in New York, we did art inspired by Keith Haring. We drew a person in the position of dancing. Then, we cut the drawing and we painted it. We had lots of fun ! We enjoyed this activity !



We played Ametican football and it was funny. There were 2 teams, attackers and defenders. We had a rugby ball to play American football.


We also played baseball.


On Friday, we did a trip to New York and we played board games. We had a lot of games like bingo, Guess who, Mr potato head.

My favourite game was bingo.

The SVI pupils needed to help the others to play in English.



Photomontage was great. You needed to cut your head (or your body), then you go and take a picture of New York and you stick your head on it.



We wrote postcards to our fake parents and we glued a drawing on the postcard, then we sent it.


Before the trip, I felt happy and stressed.

During the trip, I felt relaxed and shy.

Now, I feel very, very, very HAPPY !

My favourite activity was photomontage.

In New York, there is the Statue of Liberty, a big Park (Central Park).

The symbol of New York is the Big Apple.


Before the trip, I felt stressed.

During the trip, I felt fine.

Now, I feel very happy.

My favourite activity was arts (Keith Haring).

In New York, there is Little Italy, chinatown, Central Park, the Statue of Liberty, the Moma, the Met.

The symbol of New York is the Big Apple.

My favourite place in New York is Central Park.


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Creating songs with Joël (CD coming soon!)

Joël is a singer. He writes songs, he sings. With him, you create a CD. Lucie DL

Joël is a musician who came in each class to create songs. We started to say beautiful words in English. It was very funny. Then, we started to write sentences with all the beautiful words.

Then, Joël did the melody. The first time we sang, it was very hard and not very synchronized but finally, we did it well and we could record the song.

We really like the song, we also did two voices.    Joude and Tiago


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CM2-6ème : reading rallye

The CM2 and the 6ème (SI) read the Hound of the Baskervilles.

In December, they met for a reading rallye.

See some photos here :

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