The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden, summary by Lucie N, Emma L and Lucie C :

The Secret Garden has been written by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

The story is about a selfish little girl, Mary, who was born in India.

Her parents die, so she goes to her uncle’s house in Yorkshire, England.

When she arrives in the house, it is not welcoming.

Her uncle, Master Craven, is never there, he is always travelling.

In the manor, there are Mrs Medlock the housekeeper, Martha the maid.

One day , Mary finds the key of the secret Garden. Now, she takes care of the secret Garden secretly with her new friend Dickon .

Mary discovers that the wife of Master Craven died in this garden because she was on a branche of a tree and she fell and she died. So Master Craven hates this Garden.

One night she hears a cry for the second time . She discovers that it is a boy called Colin. He is the son of Master Craven. Mary and Dickon show the secret garden to Colin. One Day, while they were running to the door of the secret Garden, Master Craven is there. The three friends explain all the story to Master Craven. He discovers the inner beauty of the garden and his happiness is back in his heart!

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SVI CM1 : our feelings after the adventure at the radio

There was a lady who welcomed us. She asked lots of questions, we played games. She explained us lots of stuff at the radio. It was awesome !

At the radio, there were headphones with big microphones. Once, we thought that a microphone did not work, so two people were sharing one, even though it worked!

When we put the headphones on, we could only hear our partners and we could not hear the others.

A lot of people stressed but, at the end, everybody said that it was amazing !

Callista and Victor

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American music : listen to our radio show

Here is the link to listen to our 5 radio shows, broadcasted on SUN during the spring holidays.

We are talking about American artists :

Ella Fitzgerald

Ray Charles

Bruce Springsteen

Louis Armstrong

Bruno Mars.

« Hope you’ll enjoy the show! »

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Listen to SUN!

Last Friday, we went to SUN for the first time (CM1-SVI).

We recorded texts about American singers : Ray Charles, Bruce Springsteen and Bruno Mars

Don’t forget to listen to SUN from April 15th to 19th!

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Bienvenue sur le tout nouveau blog des Sections Internationales de l’Ile de Nantes :

  • Section à Vocation Internationale de l’école Anatole de Monzie
  • Section Internationale Britannique du collège Aristide Briand
  • Section Internationale Américaine du lycée Nelson Mandela.

Régulièrement, les élèves des trois sections publieront – an anglais –  des articles et documents sonores sur la vie de leur section.

Hope you’ll enjoy reading us!

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