Stephanie’s favourite song! A famous NZ school song

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Animals in New Zealand

Learn more about NZ with photos and videos.


TUI birds
A Maori song for young childre
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The Vietnam War through a North Vietnamese point of view

Huong shares her memories of the Vietnam War with the students of Terminale SIA

On Friday 5th, February the Senior SIA class was lucky enough to listen to the testimonies of a North Vietnamese citizen who was born in Hanoi (North Vietnam) in 1972, during the Vietnam War. The stories she gathered from her family and friends back in Vietnam were quite interesting and unique, as they were direct anecdotes from people who had really experienced and lived through what we learn in history books nowadays. It helped us understand the Vietnamese point of view better rather than learning about this war through an Western one. For example, one story was about her older sister going to school and the school being bombed just minutes after she left it. After this intervention, the class studied a timeline of the Vietnam War, linking the different dates to the stories we had just heard before.

Léo RENAUD (Senior)

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A trip to New Zealand!

Stephanie, our assistant, is from New Zealand. So, after Australia, we continue our trip in Oceania…

Photos brought by Stephanie and comments by the 4th graders :

« The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington. Aotearoa means New Zealand in Maori »

« This is the flag of New Zealand. On the flag, there is the British flag. New Zealand is part of the Commonwealth »

« This is the capital city of New Zealand. Before, the capital city was Auckland. »

This is Wellington. It’s very windy.

There is a big time difference between France and NZ.

Christmas is in the summer.

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Aboriginal art

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More about Australia, by Klervie and Akapo (4th grade)

Klervie and Akapo have both lived in Australia. Klervie lived in Adelaide. Akapo lived in Canberra. They agreed to share their fantastic experience with us.

Klervie’s school
Klervie’s uniform
Aboriginal art and the aboriginal flag
Akapo lived in Canberra (South of Australia)
Assembl / Uniform / Hat
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A delicious Australian recipe : Lamingtons

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All about Australia!

On January 26th, it’s Australia Day. Here in the SIA, we have several pupils coming from Australia.

Julien’s mum came with the 1st graders to talk about school and animals in Australia. We also tasted vegemite (« I don’t like vegemite »!) and Lamingtons (« I like Lamingtons »!)

The Australian flag (6 white stars and the British flag)
The aboriginal flag :

Black – represents the Aboriginal people of Australia
Yellow circle – represents the Sun, the giver of life and protector
Red – represents the red earth

Sports uniform


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A letter from McDonald International School in Seattle

This year, we also have a partnership with McDonald International School in Seattle. In this school, the pupils learn Spanish and Japanese.

The theme of our exchange is art.

Here is one of the letters we received from them. We are very happy to learn more about Seattle and about their school!

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Create your own story (Oren’s story)

Story starter : The doorbell rang. When I opened the door, there on our porch was…

…a man with a cane who said something to me. He said : « if you keep on not doing what your parents are saying, you will have a curse ».

He did not tell me what would happen though.

At some point I forgot about it and kept doing it.

The next day the same man ringed the doorbell. He just told me that I had the curse.

So I stopped doing it and everything went better !

Oren, January 2021

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