Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Our school celebrated St Patrick’s Day today. Everyone was wearing green (because if you don’t wear green, you can get pinched ;)!

The 1st graders (CP) painted leprechauns, pots of gold and rainbows. They also cooked green cookies.

The 2nd graders made leprechaun’s traps (because if you catch a Leprechaun, he must give you his gold !)

The other classes played special games. What a good day!

St Patrick’s day, by Athena (5th grade) :

St. Patrick’s Day is on the 17th of March. It is a day to celebrate a man named St. Patrick. The legend says that he even drove all the snakes out of Ireland.

On St. Patrick’s Day, you have to wear green on you or you get pinched ! But for some people, they don’t just put green to not get pinched, for some people it is a real party where they disguise themselves and party.

In some places there are enormous parades and some times they even dye their river in green.

There are little people called leprechauns that are really naughtyand tricky and they steal gold.

The legend says that there is a pot of gold at the end of rainbows and if you catch a leprechaun on St. Patrick’s Day, he has to tell you where his gold is.

The symbol of St. Patrick’s Day is the three leaf-clover (shamrock)

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