More wild animals (2nd graders)

The rhinoceros (by Johnny)

The rhino is the second largest land animal, it is just behind the elephant.

It has very good hearing and it can not see well. It lives alone and it is a large animal.

It is black,grey or black body. It has a long horn in the middle of their face. It has short legs and a short tail.

It eats grass,fruits, berries and leaves and also it is an herbivore.

Its predators are humans, lions and crocodiles.

Its habitats are forests and savannas in Africa and Asia.

The hippopotamus (by Sofia )

The hippo is a semi-aquatic animal.

It can stay 18 hours a day in the water.

It can not sweat.

it has a grey body

it has a enourmous head and a large mouth and eyes and ears on top of the head

it eats grass, grain, flowers, (Herbivore).

(to be continued)

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