Lauren Schad with the Seconde SIA

On Wednesday, November 20th, we had the great opportunity and pleasure to meet one of Nantes’s volleyball player : Lauren Schad. Here’s what’s important to know about her. 

The Seconde SIA pupils surrounding Lauren Schad
Lauren Schad

Lauren Schad has been playing for VB Nantes for 3 years now. She started by playing Basketball in Highschool but ended up in the volleyball team due to her height (1m88). 

It was not what she had planned to do but with time she grew to love volleyball. The first professional team she played in was in Clermont-Ferrand and was then recruited by Nantes. 

She loves the city of Nantes as well as the team she is in, that’s why she has planned to stay for now. 

To start a career in Volleyball,France was her first choice, because there is no International volleyball team in the USA. On top of that, the competition gives Lauren a great stage to put forward a cause that is very dear to her : The Native Americans’ fate. 

In fact, Lauren’s both parents are Native Americans. More precisely from a tribe in Dakota named ‘’Lakotas‘’, consequently, she grew up between American and Native’s culture, from her city to reservations. Thanks to that she speaks a little bit of the idiom (enough to present herself). 

Some native symbols are now very important to her, enough to tattoo them on her skin. As a matter of fact, tatoos, in Natives’ culture, are very important ,they are either like protecting amulets or they represent an important time in the person’s life. 

The tribe Lauren is from is animist (like a lot of Native tribes), in other word they believe that every natural thing is a spiritual being. So she decided to tattoo a bear, an eagle and a bison on three of her fingers. She explained that the Bison symbolizes prosperity because, in the past, Natives were able to survive thanks to the animal’s meat, bones and skin. 

Her work as a volleyball player is great for her, because she gets the opportunity to talk about injustices a lot of Natives are subject to. Notably with her sponsorship with Nike (which isn’t Nike strictly speaking but a Native division) which redistributes money to reservations to help Natives live and thrive. 

Moreover, she can spread messages through volleyball games with for instance, a red hand painted on her mouth that symbolizes the Natives’ voices who are not being heard. In fact she was told it was too political (as players are supposed to stay neutral), although she assures it is not a political movement. 

As a consequence, Lauren decided to use red sticky bandages to write MMIW, which stands for Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women. Which is an issue concerning indigenous women whose rate of femicide and rape is ten time higher in native communities than in any other parts of the USA or Canada. 

To conclude, meeting Lauren Schad was an amazing opportunity to learn about Natives’ culture and compare it to what we had learnt during class. Moreover it was interesting to learn about the problems those communities encounter, and it is amazing that Lauren uses her statue of international volleyball player to spread the word and inform people about Native communities’ issues and we can really feel that she’s passionate when she talks about it. 

Camille PEAULT – SIA student 2nd

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Thanksgiving Potluck at Mandela

The Mandela High School American Association (MHSaa) organized a Thanksgiving potluck on Saturday, November 30th. More than 130 people took part in making this celebration a success. Thank you very much to the wonderful members of MHSaa who devoted their time and energy to cooking tasty holiday dishes and all those who contributed to a beautifully decorated room with a Wall of Thanks. The students of Terminale (The Daddy Long Legs), Première (Fresh Avocados) and Seconde (The F#shs) had prepared entertainment for the audience to show off their talent and skills in English with traditional American songs, paintings, and presentations of their school trips to the USA.

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And the winner is ….

Here are the results of our September-December Vocabulary challenge :

1 : Athena (CE2)

2 : Samuel (CM1)

3-4 (ex-aequo) : Hugo and Leon (CM1)

5 : Raphaël (CM1)

6 : Jules (CE2)

7 : Louise (CM2)

8 -9 (ex-aequo) : Agathe L CM1) and Victor (CM2)

10 : Maméry (CE2)

Congratulations !

What is the Vocabulary challenge ?

When we learn a new difficult word, we add it to a common list. If you use one of these words in a sentence, you get 1 or 2 points.

The list of words was :

  • a flipper
  • fencing
  • a maze
  • the beach
  • it’s raining cats and dogs
  • it’s pouring
  • a path
  • the grass
  • a zip
  • to cough
  • a cold
  • almost
  • a wave
  • an exhibition
  • later
  • deaf
  • confident
  • guilty
  • a nettle
  • worse than
  • the childhood
  • noisy
  • a breakdown
  • a dwarf / dwarves
  • obsolete
  • abroad
  • throughout
  • to increase
  • a peninsula
  • a saddle
  • without
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Chaplin exhibition at the Art Museum (3rd & 4th graders / CE2 & CM1)

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Reading rallye with the 6th graders (6ème)

Thursday 12th December, we went to the college. My favourite activity was the theater. Zeine

My favourite activity was the challenge to find things from the book. At the college, I felt frightened. Quentin

My favourite activity was the cat in the hat rap because it is funny. I love it. Lucie

My favourite activity was to find the vocabulary of the Cat in the Hat. Aymeric

My favourite activity was the theater. I felt impressed with all those pupils. Louise

The college was big, I was stressed. My favourite activity was the theater. Taran

My favourite activity was the rap. I felt very happy. Emilien

Thursday 12th December, I went to College Aristide Briand. My favourite activity was the rap. The teacher is a man and his name is Mr Tolfts. Lou

I went to the college. Mr Tolfts is very nice/ My favourite activity was the Cat in the Hat rap. I felt happy. Theophile

When we were at the college, I was really shy because there was a lot of people. My favorite activity was the Cat in the Hat rap. Victor

In the college, I felt stressed but it was fun. My favourite activity was the rap. Lily-Rose

It was fun. I felt a little bit stressed and a little bit shy. We read the book The Cat in the Hat and we did a rap. It was FUN !! Tiago

It was funny. We did groups and played some games. The group who wins more points wins the game. Joude

Thursday 12th December, the SVI class went to the College Aristide Briand. A lot of teenagers were talking, saying bad words, playing bad games outside at recess. I was very stressed. And I could not talk ! I was sick ! But I did like the activities that we did with the 6th graders in SI. Callista

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The Cat in the Hat…the real end!

Do you know the famous story from Dr Seuss, The Cat in the Hat? If not, you should read it!

At the end, the children choose not to tell the mum about what happened with the Cat in the Hat.

But…the 5th graders imagine that the fish decides to tell her the truth…. Here are the stories :

I will tell you what happened. So, all started when the cat in the hat arrived. I should make that cat go away but they didn’t listen to me. The Cat in the Hat made a big mess. Then, he came back and get rid of this big mess and, with a tip on his hat, he disappeared !


Oh, mother, oh mother, while you were not here, a cat in the hat came in the house and put a huge mess in the house ! He bent our new rake and messed up our cake and did all other trouvles. Then, he came with a big red box and in the box, there were…. Two things ! There was Thing 1, Thing 2. They put even more mess in the house but Steve caught the two Things. There was a huge mess but the Cat in the Hat cleaned all up with his machine. He left the room and they you came in the house !


Well, I will tell you the truth : The Cat in the Hat was here, in the house and he did a big mess. I said not to do it, but they didn’t want to listen to me.

The ball was down, the cake fell down. And after, a red box with Thing 1 and Thing 2 was doing a big, big, big mess !

So, it is all !


Well, here is what happened : a while ago, a cat in the hat came to the house and showed us some tricks, but his tricks are bad. After having destroed somme stuff, he wanted to repair by himself. So, he brought two Things. Jeff caught them;The Cat in the Hat cleaned the house and went away.


Hello mum, I have something to tell you. Well, the Cat in the Hat came in our house and he did a lot of bad tricks. First, he took a lot of things like a toy ship, a rake, a hook, me and a lot of other things. Then, he took a box in his hands and two things ran in all the house and destroyed everything. Then, sally said that it wasn’t a godd idea. So, the Cat in the Hat took a machine and cleaned the house. After, he went ti his home and then you came.


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A surprise call for Tarah

Today, Tarah’s mum organized a surprise phone call from Algeria to the SVI/CM2 group. We all enjoyed talking to her. She seems to enjoy her new life!

Talk to you soon, Tarah, and send us some news and photos, we will publish them!

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Christmas cards for our penpals

We just finished our Christmas cards for our partner school in Marysville : Quil Ceda Tulalip Elementary school (QCT). We hope they will enjoy receiving them!

Some Christmas vocabulary on our card :

  • Santa Claus
  • a reindeer
  • a snowman
  • a snowflake
  • a sledge
  • a star
  • a Christmas bauble
  • a nutcracker
  • a penguin
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To make these beautiful turkeys, you need :

  • coloured paper
  • markers
  • oil pastels
  • paint
  • paintbrushes
  • glue

You need to cut, write, glue and draw!

« Please can I have a green marker? »

« How do you spell…. »?

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Chaplin exhibition at the art museum (5th grade-CM2)

We went to the art museum to see an exhibition on Charlie Chaplin and what surrounded him, like machines, or Hitler for example. He is considered as an « avant-garde » artist.


We went to the exhibition of Charlie Chaplin. We saw a lot of paintings, photos, sculptures. I learned that Charlie Chaplin’s family was very poor.


We learned that the « avant-garde » artists painted, photographed and drew the reality of the social life in the period they lived in. They did not show it how they saw it but how they thought it was. Not the outside but the inside. So, they were very weird. It is like a drea they had. For example, in the Modern Times, Chaplin showed the machines in a very creepy, scary a,d weird way. Other artists showed in their paintings that the machines invade the humans, little by little. Others say that machines nibble the nature, little by little. But other artists showed that machines are fantastic.


I learned that he is an « avant-garde » artist. I liked watching the movies. I liked the painting of a sad clown because it says the story of Charlie Chaplin. I disliked the painting from Chagall, the Circus, because I don’t like the colours. I like the painting showing a machine, because it could be the future.


I learned that Charlie Chaplin was born in England in 1887 and died in 1977. I saw that he did movies and he was very poor during his childhood. I liked a picture with a clown in his cabinet and different pictures that I saw. I did not speak when we were watching the movies, they were very funny.


I learned that some artists were inspired by Charlie Chaplin, for example Fernand Léger. He did a movie showing Chaplin at the end, with geometric figures. There were also some machines and Charlie Chaplin did a movie with machines. There is a French song about Chaplin from « Les Enfantastiques ».


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